QIAseq Library Quant Assay Kit

  • 商城价:
  • 4880
  • 市场价:
  • 4880

  • 品牌:Qiagen/凯杰
  • 货号:333314
  • 规格:1kit
  • 计量单位:
  • 销售区域:
  • 辽宁省



  • 优惠券:
  • 数  量:
  • - +


商品名称:QIAseq Library Quant Assay Kit

  • 货号:333314


  • 以芯片规格提供预分装的即用型、梯度稀释DNA标准品
  • 自动计算文库浓度
  • 实验方案简便、灵敏度高、动态范围宽
  • 与Illumina和Ion Torrent/Proton NGS平台兼容
  • 与多数qPCR仪兼容

Product Details

GeneRead Library Quant System为NGS文库制备提供简便的解决方案,确保NGS实验获得可靠结果。GeneRead Library Quant System采用real-time PCR技术,特异性定量检测两端有测序接头的DNA分子。


使用两种浓度的NGS文库,将GeneRead Library Quant System的灵敏度和动态范围与Agilent's High Sensitivity DNA Kit进行对比。第一个文库使用这两种试剂盒皆可进行定量检测,但浓度较低的第二个文库低于Agilent's 2100 BioAnalyzer的最低检测阈限。相反,GeneRead Library Quant Array能够对这两种不同浓度的文库进行成功的定量检测(参见

The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods

The QIAseq Library Quant Array's high sensitivity and broad dynamic range enable the quantification of both the NGS-L1 and NGS-L2 libraries [A]. By contrast, Agilent's High Sensitivity DNA Kit (for use with the Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer) quantified only the NGS-L1 library; with this kit, the NGS-L2 concentration was too low for quantification [B].
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg"> GeneRead Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods)。
See figures
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg" title="The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods">The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methodsThe QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods


准确定量文库对于NGS平台的高效使用十分重要。但是,当前的分光广度法只能检测总核酸浓度。GeneRead Library Quant System则采用real-time PCR技术,仅定量检测两端有接头的DNA分子。只有两端有接头的DNA分子才能在乳液PCR(Ion Torrent)或桥式PCR(Illumina)中得到扩增,因此此方法能够准确定量检测可扩增的文库DNA。real-time PCR灵敏性高,能够定量检测低浓度文库,甚至是浓度低于传统分光光度法的检测阈限。

GeneRead Library Quant System提供管装和芯片规格,经过优化,适合配合GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green Mastermixes使用,具有出色的灵敏性和宽泛的动态范围。两种规格都提供适合Illumina或Ion Torrent平台的DNA标准品。芯片规格提供分装的5个浓度的10倍梯度稀释标准品,混合有PCR引物,一式三份。确保您的样本文库在检测范围之中(参见 Principle of GeneRead Library Quant System)。

The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods

The QIAseq Library Quant Array's high sensitivity and broad dynamic range enable the quantification of both the NGS-L1 and NGS-L2 libraries [A]. By contrast, Agilent's High Sensitivity DNA Kit (for use with the Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer) quantified only the NGS-L1 library; with this kit, the NGS-L2 concentration was too low for quantification [B].
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg" style="display: none;">
See figures
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg" style="display: none;" title="The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods">The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methodsThe QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods


芯片工作流程(参见 GeneRead Library Quant Array workflow)使用两个10倍稀释的样本文库,确保其浓度在梯度稀释的DNA标准品检测范围内。将样本与Generead qPCR SYBR Green Mastermix混合,等分为三份,加入芯片中。进行PCR,将原始CT数据导出至提供的数据分析Excel文件中,进行文库浓度的自动计算(Illumina)或模板稀释因子计算(Ion Torrent/Proton)。

管装标准品的工作流程与芯片的工作流程相似,仅有少数不同。先制备5个10倍梯度稀释的DNA标准品,以及2个10倍梯度稀释的样本文库。这样可确保文库的浓度在标准品稀释液范围之内。下一步,将稀释的DNA标准品和样本文库与提供能够的PCR试剂和相应的GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green Mastermix混合。进行PCR,将原始CT数据导出至提供的数据分析Excel文件中,进行文库浓度的自动计算(Illumina)或模板稀释因子计算(Ion Torrent/Proton)。

The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods

The QIAseq Library Quant Array's high sensitivity and broad dynamic range enable the quantification of both the NGS-L1 and NGS-L2 libraries [A]. By contrast, Agilent's High Sensitivity DNA Kit (for use with the Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer) quantified only the NGS-L1 library; with this kit, the NGS-L2 concentration was too low for quantification [B].
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg" style="display: none;">
See figures
" href="https://www.qiagen.com/binary/resource/COM_0106_GeneReadLibraryQuant/1_5_WebFullSizeImage.jpg" style="display: none;" title="The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods">The QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methodsThe QIAseq Library Quant System enables quantification of libraries with concentrations below the detection limit of conventional methods


GeneRead Library Quant Array和GeneRead Library Quant Kit能够在使用Illumina或Ion Torrent/Proton NGS平台测序前,快速、准确的检测样本文库浓度。
  • 辽宁省
  • 吉林省
  • 黑龙江省

