Magne Protein A Beads, 20% Slurry

  • 商城价:
  • 33748
  • 市场价:
  • 33748

  • 品牌:Promega/普洛麦格
  • 货号:G8783
  • 规格:50ml
  • 计量单位:
  • 销售区域:
  • 辽宁省

  • 优惠券:
  • 数  量:
  • - +


商品名称:Magne Protein A Beads, 20% Slurry

  • 货号:G8783

Luminescent, High-Throughput Kinase Activity Assays

Simple, Scalable and Automation-Friendly

The Kinase-Glo Assays are designed for use with multiwell plate formats, making them ideal for automated high-throughput screening (HTS), and they can be used to assay protein, lipid and sugar kinases. The assay procedure involves addition of a single reagent directly to a completed kinase reaction. This addition results in the generation of a luminescent signal correlated with the amount of ATP present and inversely proportional to the amount of kinase activity.

The assay produces excellent Z-factor values of greater than 0.7 in 96- and 384-well formats, easily detects known kinase inhibitors and provides IC50values comparable to those reported in the literature.

Choose Your Assay Format

The three Kinase-Glo Assay systems are differentiated by their linear response to ATP. The original Kinase-Glo Assay is linear to 10μM ATP, while Kinase-Glo Plus Assay is linear to 100μM ATP. The newest assay, Kinase-Glo Max, is linear to 500μM ATP, making it well suited for use with kinases with high Kmfor ATP as well as for screening for kinase inhibitors that do not compete at the ATP binding site.

Luminescent output correlates with amount of ATP.

Luminescent output correlates with amount of ATP.
Luminescent output correlates with amount of ATP.

A direct relationship exists between the luminescence measured with the Kinase-Glo Assays and the amount of ATP in the reaction.Panel A.Kinase-Glo Plus Assay.Panel B.Kinase-Glo Max Assay. The Kinase-Glo Assay is linear to 10M (data not shown).

  • 辽宁省

